The Best Baby Packing List: The Mother of all Packing Lists!

A giant pile of luggage like you might need after using this baby travel packing list

You need to follow a baby packing list when you’re traveling with a baby or toddler.

And also, possibly, a pack mule 🙂

Trust us, you don’t want to forget anything.

Baby Packing List Printable Version:

The Best Baby Travel Packing List. The Mother of all Packing Lists!

Have Baby Will Travel’s Mother of All Packing Lists

This baby packing list is based on a destination where you won’t have access to many of the things we deem as necessities. For example, when we went to Cuba, there really wasn’t much you could buy. And what you could buy was very expensive.

Of course, you won’t need everything on this list. And make sure to cross reference with the Carry-On Packing List as there are repeat items.

Have Baby Will Travel’s Mother of all Packing Lists:






(Hopefully you can bring enough so you don’t have to do laundry!)


This Baby Packing List for Travel Is Crazy!

To summarize, let me reiterate that this baby packing list is EVERYTHING and ANYTHING you might possibly need when you’re on vacation.

Print it out, cross off what you know you won’t need to bring, and marvel at how much faster you get as you go on more and more trips!

And you’ll eventually discover that you’ll need to bring fewer and fewer items as your baby grows bigger and older.

See Also:

The Best Baby Travel Packing List. The Mother of all Packing Lists!

111 Responses to The Best Baby Packing List: The Mother of all Packing Lists!

Wow! I have never taken anything like that amount even when travelling with a 5-month-old baby.

Do you mind telling me what you did take?? Taking a road trip in a couple of weeks with our 6 month old and there might be limited space and I don’t want to lug a whole bunch of stuff.

Sounds like what we ended up taking to Jamaica with our 4yo and 4mo girls. Nail clippers are something I always forget and wish I hadn’t!

Corinne at # Thanks, Sarah! Would love to hear more about your trip! are you allowed to take prepare bottles of feed for baby , i am thinking no liquids on the plane. . Corinne at #

Angella, you’re allowed to bring liquids over the allowable limits if you are traveling with a child under the age of two.

Destiny at # You can take empty bottles or sippy cups and mix drinks or formula after getting through security. Narashi Handerson at #

Formula and milk for baby is allowed.if no water allowed then ask from the attendant when in the plane so they can give you water for the formula milk

yes you can take prepared bottles. i thought the same thing when i traveled with my son at 5 months but they said that if its specifically for baby you can bring it, but they will inspect them. i use the powdered formula. so i found it was easier to scoop the powder into a completely dry bottle and then add the appropriate amount of water right when baby needs to be fed. and TSA will also allow you to bring a bottle of water through security too.

Cheyanne at # Formula is the exception and breast milk of course

Hi there, we are planning on going to Dominican Republic, Punta Cana, maybe Bahia Principe Punta Cana resort.
Does anyone know if I can purchase diapers, wipes, and perhaps formula there and how much more expensive is it? My baby will be 7 months old. Does anyone know how are the sleeping cots for babies? Should I bring a pack & play instead? Thank you, Andrea.

I’m not sure when you wrote this but I would not count on it. We stayed at the Grand Palladium and the selection at the store was limited. They did not recommend leaving the resort alone.

Hey Andrea,
I stayed at Bahia Principe 2 years ago and a small pack of 22 Pampers Splashers was $25 if I recall correctly, don’t know how much they would be now. I suggest you take your own diapers because not only are they expensive but also the selection is limited. On another note I do not recall seeing baby formula at the gift shop or pharmacy. In between I don’t know anything about the sleeping cots for babies make sure you contact the resort. I also want to give you a heads up Bahia Prinicipe has about 4 hotels on the same property. They range from 2 to 5 stars depending on the one you’ll be at things might just be or more complicated or simply more convenient. Hope you enjoy your trip don’t forget bug repellant, sun screen, children’s Med and what not 😉

Hi just wondering when this was posted, I am heading there in one week and would love to know the situation for sleeping for children I was planning on bringing my pack and play but would love to leave it at home if theirs are good quality

Hi Carla! My recommendation would be to check with the hotel directly. Have a great trip!

i live in the Dominican Republic, the prices in the hotel store is higher, you can always ask to go to Plaza San Juan to the Super Market is cheaper there. The Super Market name is Supermercado Pola or in Punta Cana Village Supermercado Nacional this one is a little more spensive than the other.

Hello, when i travelled with my baby i found it way cheaper to purchased an extra lugguge (30$ each way) then purchasing stuff in the gift shop. Diapers are ok, formula not the same brands, solar cream 20$ a bottle. At the end buying an extra luggage ad bringing your own stuff for your little one with be a lot cheaper and you can bring more as your limit will be 55lbs. Hope this help

Lists are so great! Thanks for compiling this comprehensive list.

Great packing list. Very admirable. As I have been on a month long solo road trip, I can understand the importance of a comprehensive packing list. I highly recommend your article.

Great list! I’m a lousy packer, this list I going to be my travel buddy from now on. I am definitely saving it. Thanks! 

kristal at # do the children meds need to be sealed (new) or can I take my already opened? I’ve taken products that weren’t sealed, it was never an issue.

Thank you for your packing list. There were things on the list that I didn’t think of but needed like pedialite (and needed). Our trip went badly with a sick baby and home sick 2 year old but having everything I needed really helped.

So sorry to hear your baby was sick, but I’m so glad to be of service! Deeanne at #

Here’s a few I consider essentials that I didn’t see : Baby birth certificate (required for lap infants)
Baby toys
Bedtime book

Danielle at #

Sun Block is under Toiletries and Toys are under Special Items in Specifically For Baby. Book would fall under that category

If you have the babys passport you dont need birth certificate for infants Not true. We were told to bring both passport and birth certificate. Baby Monitor!! Wow! Amazing thank you so much. This is really comprehensive list for travelling.

I also take baby’s red book (health record book) in case I need details of the immunisations or any other details…

Wow what an extensive list! I can’t say I travel with that much stuff with babies, but this is a great starting point. I find it can be useful to try to find items that can double up – like a mattress in a travel crib can work as a changing pad, and to take toys that can also be used in the bath.

This is an awesome website with tons of great info!! Thanks for all your help. ktevBrown at #

Whoa. We travel to see their Daddy(My husband) who is in the Army and a few states away once a month for about 4days each. And Wow. This is an insane amount of stuff! Lol our car is so small it wouldn’t even fit all of these things! We have a 17months old& a 6month old, and we take about 1/2 – 3/4th of this stuff and they do wonderfully! But wonderful list! 😀 Thanks!

Definitely a everything-and-the-kitchen-sink list, just so all bases are covered 🙂 How many regular diapers and swim diapers should I take for 1 week in Mexico?

I think I budgeted 2 swim diapers and 5 regular diapers per day. Added that to the travel day diaper budget of 1 per hour of journey – just to be safe! It’s a lot but they don’t weigh much and you don’t have them for the trip home!

For a trip to Mexico, what would you pack for baby in carry on and checked luggage? Scared of losing luggage thru airline with baby essentials in it. TIA

Hi Katie! I created the Carry-On Packing List for just such an occasion. Have a wonderful trip!!

This is the third trip I am taking with my twins and the third time I’m printing off both the carry-on and packing lists. I don’t take everything on the lists, but they are an invaluable guide to make sure nothing important to us is forgotten. Thank you so much!!

Thank you, Jodi–that is great to hear!

Hi! First time mom and first time traveling with a baby alone. I have flown with my sister who was 6.
But this list will really help me. I was very nervous about a week before I found this list..about forgetting anything, and how to keep her entertained and all the worries moms have that go along with flying with my baby alone. My daughter is eleven months old and very active. She’s also teething and getting a molar.
I am flying to Florida to see my mom and fam. Its got to planes and a 30 min layover. I have a very heavy car seat as well. Any suggestions? I’m so worried I won’t make my flights, and lugging a bunch of stuff is hard for me with fibromyalgia, and how do I go to the bathroom on the plane with her,where do I change her on the plane? has anyone dealt with poopy diapers on a plane? I am just so worried…and stressed out. I no longer have finger nails! lol -Sincerely Worried Mommy

Hang in there, Jaime! You could try a cart or wheeled car seat travel bag like this to lug your heavy seat around, or invest in an inexpensive and lightweight seat just for travel–the Cosco Scenera is a good one. At least one of the airplane washrooms should have a change table. Wear her in a lightweight carrier for your bathroom trips–they aren’t comfy or relaxing but they can be done! Make sure to have a stash of plastic bags on hand to handle yucky diapers and any other assorted messes you are bound to encounter. Try not to stress out! Give yourself lots of time and take lots of deep breaths. You can do this!

Courtney at # Im surprised a thermometer isnt on this list. i never, ever travel without one.

I’m going to Indiana after Christmas this year with my then 7 month old…i know it’s going to be very cold this year, is there something special i should bring for him?

Hi Hanna! Make sure he has a snowsuit, or a bundler for your stroller. Have fun!

It looks like it’s a lot to carry but I think that pretty much completes your daily travel needs. Thanks for sharing those nice lists!

What about Sunblock, medicine and a first aid kit. Nevermind… I see it now… I was only looking at the baby section. 🙂 This list is awesome!!

My little will only drink from a bottle so I’ve been a slave to expressing for quite awhile. If you’re in the same boat you’ll need: breast pump, charging cord/batteries, lines/pump accessories, bottles, bottle lids, storage bags/bottles. Happy travels mamas!

Orajel. you do not want to be meandering around another country when the baby decides to cut a tooth.

Great suggestion–thanks, Holli!

Orajel has several FDA warnings about fatal blood dyscrasias and reations. Please consider not using Orajel, instead use clove oil mixed in olive oil, Hylands, or tylenol.

Daniela at # Lets not forget the Nasal Care products for babies

hi…thank you so much for this amazing info about traveling list. this from cebu.philippines, first time mom of 4 months old baby girl. You’re great. Thanks again for helping in this amazing guide.

which kind of sunscreen for a 8 month old do you recommend? Hi Rosie! I’d splurge for an organic brand if it’s within your budget. Blue Lizard is a good one.

This list is awesome! I’m printing it and will use everytime from now on! I am stll getting used to all this travel with a baby!

Hi is there any tips for me im going to a dam that has nothing i need some fun idees for a two and almost 1 year old boys to keep them busy, i feel very dum asking this questions. But i know thay may enjoy fishing for a bit and then want to do something else its is going to be hot were we go its close to the krugar park i dont know if any one went Klaserie dam

We are going on our first trip with our son (he will be 7.5 months when we leave) to an all inclusive in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic (The Royalton Resort). Is it advisable and or necessary to bring the car seat? (I ask because we are being transported to and from the airport by bus).
Also, our travel agent requested a crib for our room, but I wonder if we should bring our pack & play just in case? Or am I being paranoid…

Hi Kirsty! The Royalton should have a decent crib, so you can save your luggage allotment 🙂 If you’re not likely to do any excursions by taxi, than it’s not necessary to bring your car seat along. Unless you purchased your baby an airline seat in which case he’d need it on the plane.

Thanks so much for your advice! Your website is a life (and anxiety) saver. I have been telling all of my new mom-friends about it!

Thanks so much for the kind words, Kirsty–I hope you have wonderful travels this year! Bethany at #

We are about to set out on what I think will be a 27-hour journey (door-to-door) from Europe to the US. Do I really need 27 diapers? Or does this recommendation change once the journey becomes insanely longer than anyone should every have to undertake?

Lol. Maybe not 27 🙂 But think of a number of diapers that your baby would normally go through in that time and double it. Good luck!

We did a similar trip -34 hours- Zurich to Houston via 18 hour lay over in Istanbul with a 2 month old and a 5 year old. We stayed at a hotel during our lay over but thankfully brought enough diapers (40) and 4 pull ups ( just in case we had any accidents). Since nb diapers are small, space was not an issue and am glad we brought that many…better more than sorry. We arrived with enough pull ups and diapers to last one more day, find a store and buy enough to last us a road trip to FLorida. Will I do it again? Yes! Setting up for another long road trip – this time across Western Europe…

Thanks so much for your feedback, Sophia–Happy New Year!

Great tips! I agree with all of them and can totally relate. I could chat with you on this one for hours:)
We traveled on a 16 hour flight with my 5 month old twin boys to see my family in India. We went for the same reason as yours, we wanted the rest of the family to see them early on. Although I couldn’t ever go alone with two babies and my husband was with me.
I was on another long flight with my mom on our way back and my kids were 10 months old then. I
would say it is definitely better to travel when they are younger and not mobile.
The second time was more challenging because they wanted to explore and would hardly fit in the bassinets (those things are so small and flimsy)
But, isn’t it great how you are allowed to jump long lines and you are right, if you dare to do it, you will make amazing memories:)
You have put everything together very well:)

Such a complete packing list! It includes everything that need to be packed for a holiday. I am gonna use them for our first trip next week. Thanks for sharing!!

Amazing list and feedback! We’re going to Cuba in March with our then 7 mo. Will we need to bring an outlet converter to use a kettle or bottle warmer? Are nail clippers still confiscated in carry-ons? I always have it in my baby bag.

Hi Leyda! It depend on your resort, many Cuban hotels now offer two plug options, but it wouldn’t hurt to toss a converter in your bag, just in case. Even an extension cord, since it’s been our experience that even if you do have an outlet, there may only be one!

Hi Corrine, Thanks for your list its very useful. Could you please advise me whether or not to take a car seat on board. I am travelling from London on a 5 hour flight, my baby will be 6 months old and its our first trip. there is no bassinet on the plane as its small but the booking agent said they would keep the middle seat free between my husband and I if its not a busy flight. Do you suggest bringing the car seat so we have a place to put baby securely or alternatively have him strapped to either of us during take off and landing? I then worry about nap time, and he’s a very sensitive baby to environment and i am worried if its going to be okay if either of us cradle him for his nap? We will have a car seat borrowed at our destination and have one to reach airport so not sure if we need one on board. we have bought the Baby Zen Yo Yo as our travel stroller so we will have that in addition to 2 carry ons (1 for baby, 1 for husband and i and 2 suitcases. Looking forward to your advice.

Hi Rima! Certainly if you can swing it, your baby and you will have a much easier time of it if you purchase him a seat and install his car seat. You would be surprised how well some babies actually sleep on planes once they actually drop off. If he’s wrapped up snug and possibly worn in a carrier or sling you might be ok?

Archana at #

Hi, list is good, but do they allow to travel with water and liquids fr 1 yr old kids where we shall fly to USA?

One-year-olds are exempt from the liquid restriction rules. Just make sure to have all their foods and liquids set aside for inspection.

I used this list, it was perfect! I recently went to Mexico with my 9 month old and didn’t miss a beat! The only suggestion that I have is to bring a bigger stroller than an umbrella stroller. You don’t realize how much you use the cup holders and extra storage. Great list! Thank you!