Use our SAT math practice test below to study for your exam. Our exam is full-length and 100% free. We have updated our exam for the newest version of the SAT (digital). For help with other subjects, visit our free SAT test home.
Start with our first SAT Math practice exam. This exam is a replica of the actual exam to help you best prepare.
If you want to practice for the math portion of the exam in an untimed environment, use our practice sets below.
75% of the questions on the SAT math section will be multiple-choice. The other 25% will be student produced response questions.
There will be 4 main topics covered on the SAT math section:
Algebra questions include the following subtopics:
Advanced math questions include the following subtopics:
Problem-solving and data analysis questions include the following subtopics:
Geometry and trigonometry questions include the following subtopics:
You can learn more about SAT math by visiting the official CollegeBoard website.
Want to practice for another section of the SAT? Go to our SAT test practice page to find more exams.