Starter Practice Plans

Welcome to the Starter Level practice plans. At the Starter Level, the fundamental skills will be honed and expanded upon while the players develop an understanding of what it means to be a part of a team.


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Cultivating Values & Developing Wellness


Warm Up

Fundamentals of Warming-Up

Run to That Line

(1 x 5 lines)

Key Points

Teach the players about the court while incorporating fundamental movement skills.

Building Skills

Ball Handling

Ball Rubs

(1 x 10 seconds)

Key Points

Get a good feel for the ball and warm-up the fingers and hands.

Single Leg Wraps

(2 x 20 seconds each leg)

Key Points

Get comfortable with the ball, warm-up the fingers and hands, and develop the ability to control the ball. Be sure to have the players keep their chest and eyes up. Help the players feel confident moving the ball as if it is an extension of themself. Push the players to wrap the ball fast in order to challenge their control.

Seated Dribbling

(1 x 20 seconds each hand)

Key Points

Get comfortable with the ball, warm-up the fingers and hands, develop the ability to control the ball. Encourage the players to keep their eyes up and challenge them by requiring them to keep the ball further away from their body.

3-3-3 Dribble Drill

(2 x 20 seconds)

Key Points

This drill will work on low controlled dribbles with both hands as well as the crossover.

Cone Dribbling

(1 x 3 minutes with variations)




Key Points

Make sure the players are staying low and controlling the dribble. The players should also be pushing off their outside foot to change directions.



Fundamentals of the Overhead Pass

Key Points

Players should not bring the ball back behind their head as it opens up opportunities for players behind them to steal it. Keep the ball nice and strong above the head while maintaining good body control, strength and balance.

Overhead Pass Drill

(1 x 1 minute)

Key Points

Ensure that the players make eye contact before passing and the receiver shows their hands as a target. The players should take a big step towards their partner, extend their elbows and snap their down to make a good pass.


Form Shooting – 1 Hand

Key Points

Have the players start with their knees bent, elbow in and extend their follow-through with their elbow high and wrist flipped so that the ball has good arc and rotation.

1-2 Step Lay-Ups

(1 x 2 minutes each side)



Key Points

Emphasize the correct hand and foot until the movement becomes natural for the players.

Shooting Line Game

(games to 8 makes)



Key Points

Have the players count the makes out loud for all teams to hear. Encourage the players to cheer for their teammates and utilize the shooting form they have worked on.


Footwork and Conditioning

Jump Stop Fundamental Skill

Jump Stop Drill With Ball

(2 x down and back)

Key Points

To ensure balance, have the players land in the jump stop position and count to 3 before blowing the whistle to allow them to jog to the next spot.